Dear Friend in the Lord,
I write to thank you for positively impacting the world with us.
As we close this year of 2018, we look back with grateful hearts to everything God has accomplished.
Gospel Life Church International has answered the call of comforting the persecuted believers, accommodating and educating vulnerable children in Africa and to reach out with the Gospel of truth to the unreached people where many people have received the Lord.
Gospel Life Church International could not have done all these amazing works and services of God and His people without you!
We want to say thank you for all your prayers, support and donations to impact many lives here in Africa and around the world!
As 2018 draws to a close, we send attached photos with a full view of how your support has impacted many lives.
In one of the photos you will see when a Muslim Witch got converted and brought witches to be destroyed and we destroyed them by burning according to Acts 19:19

Thank you for partnering with us, and we are looking forward to what God will continue to do through our partnership in 2019!
God has sent me again on preaching tour to the US with a sobering message including Powerful Testimonies of Prayer, Revival, Evangelism, Soul winning, Overcoming Trauma, Israel and the Church, spiritual healing and practical strategies of sharing the Gospel with the Muslims.
I am at final stages of finalizing my New book entitled Christians loving Muslims, answering pertinent questions such as; How can Christians love muslims? Why we must love the Muslims? What Is Love and What Is Not Love?
As you might be aware, Islam is a major pressing issue in the world and there is a lot of confusion regarding this matter yet many people in the world know so little about Islam, the Islamists global Agenda, the prophet-hood of Muhammad, the root cause of Islamic terrorism and the many controversies of the Bible and Quran.
In order to love anybody, it requires taking time to understand that particular person, his feelings, challenges, values and way of life, to enable you to love without offense.
I am beginning this book by doing exactly that; bringing some profound knowledge on Islam/Muslims that will prepare you to love them basing on accurate information.
I am writing this book at a time when there is too much of false information everywhere most especially on the internet regarding Islamic faith with the sole motive of luring many into Islam.
Interestingly there is a topic in Islamic theology called taqqiyah describing this kind of falsehood in Islamic theology is allowed to deceive people, entice and bring them to Islam through deception.
So, when I read stuff on the internet, I blatantly see a lot of deception and propaganda with a hidden intent of luring ignorant people into Islamic faith.
In most cases what they have posted on the internet cannot be preached openly; it would be apostasy, renunciation, defection or backsliding from Islamic faith and the moment one does that, he would be at a great risk of being killed! Yet here they call it ‘political correctness’ making it sound politically correct.
But then again, Christians, politicians and many other people are driven by media, yet the media is full of misinformation pumped into it and the whole world is buying into it especially regarding Islam and causes of extremism/radicalism.
So, there is a lot of lies that were targeted towards people in the western world who bought it with a wrong picture and then pumped it into media and into the whole world such that when you investigate it, the whole world is deceived.
That is why I decided to write this book called Christians loving Muslims with correct and reliable information. Today We have an obligation to love the Muslims and in Christian perspective to win souls as Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations…”. (Matthew 28:19).
Yet now the Christians have a wrong perception in regard to Islam and the politicians in the western world are failing to understand the middle East dynamics because when you get wrong information you make wrong conclusions and because of that, I am basing on my experience as an ex-Muslim, a Muslim theologian, a convert who turned from Islam to Christianity and then as a Christian theologian to enlighten the world that we can move with love and win souls for Christ through loving our friends in the Muslim world.
What led me to Christ can lead many and what saved me can save many. As a pastor after being converted I have been extensively involved in many outreaches to the Muslim community.
Several people who have been involved in my outreaches have become gospel ministers and basing on that background, I am in the right position to offer profound information on how to love the Muslim people, how to disciple a Muslim, and which is which regarding the Christian-Muslim friendship.
So, this is more of practical information than theory that this book will offer having been tested in the mission field because much of what we shall find in Bible colleges and media cannot bear any fruit in the mission field.
This book therefore is unique in the sense that it is based on proven strategies, knowledge and experience of both worlds-the Muslim and the Christian.
There is a misconception regarding love and preaching and as a result instead of reaching the Muslims with the gospel people just criticize while others have been compromising thinking that appeasement means love but love is based on truth and not appeasement.
If I lie to you then that is not love but if I tell you the truth, then that is love therefore regardless of the fact that some Muslims are radical and reaching them is threatening life, still we need to share the truth of the gospel with them not contextualizing or not appeasing or not compromising the gospel or distorting the true teaching of the Bible to an extent of some people thinking that allowing the Muslims to do what they believe and just love them will bring them to Christ.
Jesus said clearly in John 8:32 that “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. It was after preaching the truth in Acts 2, and after sharing the whole truth that the people asked Simon Peter, “what do you want us to do because we feel the pain in our hearts?” Today there is a challenge because people fear the threatening attitude of some members of the Muslim community and so they choose to compromise or appease or contextualize instead of sharing the truth of the gospel.
The true idea is that we must share the truth of the gospel even if we are persecuted or even if the other party is not interested, the truth is still the truth and the truth cannot be sacrificed.
But in order to do that effectively, one must first overcome the spirit of fear. That is why every person that God met in both the old and the New testament, He always first told them not to fear Genesis 15:1, Joshua 8:1 Matthew 1:20, Luke 1:13,30. Our Lord Jesus charged us not to fear those that can kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Matthew 10:28).
And Apostle Paul taught in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of Power and of Love and a sound mind.
We face a serious challenge that, because of the threats, many have resorted to twisting the Gospel not saying the truth but instead devising means of not annoying the listeners yet we are called by God to preach the word of God as it is in the truth which pleases God, regardless of whether people want to hear, therefore, we should not rebel against the word of God in the name of loving people.
1 Corinthians 11:6 teaches that love doesn’t rejoice in evil but truth. This confirms that when preaching we must speak the truth no matter what, because true love is founded-in the truth. Threats of being hated or persecuted for telling the truth shouldn’t scare us at all because the Lord Jesus ( Yeshua) taught in Matthew 5:12, Luke 6:23, Mark 10:30 that there is persecution and being hated. In Luke 6:22-23, Jesus taught that you are blessed when they hate you and when they exclude you and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.
Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 we read: for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Nobody can claim to love more than God yet still with all the love God has for us he tells us the truth, warning us about the danger as well as rebuking and punishing us when we become insolent.
Our Lord continued to teach in Luke 6:26 that Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
So, whoever preaches to be loved or to please all people at the expense of the truth cannot be a servant of the Lord.
Plainly therefore, our preaching doesn’t need to target making many friends in the world to be appreciated or loved by the listeners; rather we should base our preaching on speaking the truth that can save listeners. Even if you are threatened, do not fear for God will protect you.
We should Love Muslims with a clear conscience knowing that they are doing everything out of lack of knowledge of the truth.
But we must be careful ourselves not to be entangled in their ungodly propaganda and ideology.
As I continue to share this kind of message, I always pray that the Spirit of the Living God will open the Understanding of many people to be able to digest every information with insight that builds truth and a firm foundation for the love of God in our lives.
During my preaching tour in the US from late December 2018 to May 2019, I will share this in details and also share my fascinating life story, this time sharing more about how I converted from Islam to Christianity, inspiring progressive soul winning Testimonies in Africa and effective strategies of reaching muslims with the Gospel.
We are witnessing great things in the field of the Lord with amazing conversions, rehabilitation and social support for persecuted converts, empowerment of adult converts via skills training and economic development, education and support for vulnerable children/youth, conducting conferences and outreach campaigns resulting out Testimonies of the Lords working in Africa. Glory be to God.
I must thank God, despite obstacles which would defeat virtually anyone else, by God’s grace, I have become one of the preeminent Pastors bringing people to Jesus Christ in Uganda.
If you would like to have me come speak to your church or booking me to some of your contacts, please reply to this email.
Hope to hear from you.